Sequoia Clothing Co Brand Video
Sequoia Clothing Co Brand Video
Sequoia Clothing Co Brand Video

Heights Apparel Brand Video


Scott Warren is a tall guy living in a short person’s world. 

Beds are never long enough, mirrors never high enough and finding clothes that fit is difficult. Shirts never seems to cover all that needs to be covered.

He started Heights Apparel to make clothes that fit the tall slender frame. Shirts are long enough to cover the belly and sleeves long enough to fit the arms comfortably. 

Scott wanted us to make a video that other tall guys would connect to. He wanted to show potential tall customers that he knows what it’s like and that they no longer need to wear clothes that were not designed with their body type in mind. 

During our interviews he told be that he always felt like an outsider because of his height. People think the tall guy is full of confidence but really they feel different than everyone else. He hopes that having clothes that fit can help some guys rebuild their confidence and feel put together.

Follow Scott and Heights Apparel on Instagram: @heights_apparel