The U.S.-Mexico border is the most complex issue I’ve tackled in my career as a photojournalist. It’s a realm where I’ve encountered a spectrum of raw emotions—from sadness and hope to charity, cruelty, and bravery.

This topic is arguably the most divisive one I’ve covered, with widespread opinions often shaped by snippets from cable news. While many view the situation in black and white, my experiences have shown me that the truth lies in the myriad shades of gray. The reality is intricately complex, too nuanced to be encapsulated fully in a single story or TV segment.

This collection showcases my work on the border, illegal immigration, and Arizona’s controversial SB 1070 law. Throughout my career, I’ve interacted with migrants, Border Patrol agents, and residents living daily with the realities of the border. I’ve documented the perilous journeys of those risking everything to cross and the heroic efforts of those who risk their own lives to save others. I’ve seen firsthand the harsh toll taken by the unforgiving desert.

Crossing the border illegally is fraught with danger. Some routes lead migrants on a harrowing five-day trek through the Sonoran Desert, where water is scarce and help is even scarcer. Despite the risks, at the peak of my coverage, over 200 people per year died in Arizona attempting to cross the border illegally.

Beyond still photography, I’ve also developed video and multimedia projects that delve deeper into immigration and border issues. Our 2018 project, “The Wall,” was honored with a Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Journalism.