This is a After Effects experiement using Plexus to create a 3D cave.

Plexus is a super powerful partical generator that allows you to add points, lines, facets and triangualtions to partical systems. There are a lot of controls and options that make this really useful for motion graphics and creating abstract shapes. 

V.I.T.R.I.O.L is an alchemical acronym that stands for “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem”. Translated into English it roughly means “, By visiting the centre of the earth and rectifying (purifying) you will find the hidden stone.”

I thoguht it a fitting word to use for a journey into a cave.

I created this effect in After Effects by first drawing a mask on a solid and applying Plexus to the layer. I told Plexus to use the mask, created a ton of coppies in Z space, and applied the triangulation renderer.

After that it was just adding and animating a camera to go down the cave.

For the text, I added a 3D text layer and pushed it way back into Z space. I set the camera to focus on the text.

After that it was just applying a little distortion to the text and adding an optical flare for a little punch at the end.