Trapcode Form Astronaut

I’ve experimenting with Trapcode Form, a tool I just recently got my hands on.

This astronaut animation was made from a still photo shot on one of the Apollo missions to the Moon. 

NASA’s Johnson Space Center made hundreds of high resolution photos from all the Apollo missions available to the public. Nearly all of the photos were shot with a medium format Hasselblad. The scans are beautiful and rich in detail. I’ve been fascinated with the archive for a while now and like to pull images into After Effects to use for experiments. It’s a great resource for space related imagery.

This animation is made using Red Giant’s Trapcode Form and Deep Glow. I’ve been diving through a bunch of tutorials on how to use Form. Roland Hartman from GraphicsNMotion has a really great tutorial on how to use Form to get this kind of look. The best part of this tutorial is the explanation on how to use Layer Maps to effect size, color and displacement.

Next I’d like to play with using an obj model as the base.